Deadline 3rd week in June. HERSCHEL GRAMMAR SCHOOL is a primary secondary company based out of HERSCHEL GRAMMAR SCHOOL NORTHAMPTON AVENUE, SLOUGH, BERKSHIRE, United Kingdom. The School’s planned admission number (PAN) for entry into Year 7 in September 2023 is 180. Expert witness for claimants, defendants and SJE. slough. URN: 136420. Langley Grammar School. Skelley. The school specialises in Technology, Maths, Science and Computing. Slough had a population of 164,000 in 2018. It's used to estimate children's academic potential and decide whether a grammar school environment will suit them. The next step is to complete a Common Application Form (CAF) before October, which can be done online. The 11+ entrance examinations are designed to identify pupils with the ability and aptitude for a grammar school education. Students at. ukIntuition PYP has put together a comprehensive review of 5 of the top grammar schools in Slough. Take a look at our guide to the Slough. The schools work together to operate a shared 11+ entrance examination process using the same examination papers and common eligibility criteria. Burnham Grammar School. Herschel Grammar School Info Request - Year 7 Entry. Upton court: rank down to 114, distance to 7 miles. You don't have to finish your application immediately. Higher performers at that stage were overtaken by others later on. Info on 2016 entry (updated with final data) Langley Grammar: all eligible from local admissions area. Saint Barnards: all eligible RC and other Christian applicants offered. No acknowledgement of receipt of this form will be sent, unless you enclose a stamped addressed envelope. Test results – Results will come usually 1st week in October. Rome2Rio displays up to date. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps. The 11 plus is an entrance exam used by UK grammar schools. LOCATION . Elizabeth Line. As I know under SL3 there are total 3 grammar school and under. Attendance. J. Train operators. sch. Eden Girls' School. The Old Paludians Association, established in 1915, is the official alumni association for Upton Court Grammar and direct predecessor schools from 1912. This includes an average layover time of around 21 min. If you wish to appeal to The Slough Consortium of Grammar Schools, please download a form for each school you are appealing to,. Herschel Grammar School is a coeducational grammar school in Slough, Berkshire. OPA. Grammar School whilst in Years 7-11 and will not be considered for entry into the school. slough. Services are operated by Chiltern Railways, London Underground (Tube), First Great Western Service. Court Grammar School. uk. Supplementary date: Monday 18th September 2023. 15 September 2008. SL1 3BW. 1912) and successor schools; Slough Grammar School for Boys, Slough High School for Girls, Upton Grammar School, Slough Grammar School and Upton Court Grammar School. Answer sheets are provided for checking afterwards. County — Berkshire. Rome2Rio displays up to date. Rome2Rio makes travelling from High Wycombe Station to Slough Grammar School easy. Slough Grammar School. Our Non-Verbal Reasoning Assessment is computer-based. Taxi from Slough Grammar School to Beaconsfield services. Sir William Borlase’s Grammar School. Find all the transport options for your trip from Slough Grammar School to Hounslow right here. Herschel Grammar School. Slough Grammar School 1981. Upton Court Grammar School uses the same 11+ Entrance Test as the other grammar schools in the Slough Consortium (Herschel Grammar School, Langley Grammar School, St Bernard’s Catholic Grammar School and Upton Court Grammar School). The school values its tradition of excellence and honours all of those who have, through their academic credentials and personal commitment, become outstanding members of the community and role models for the. The school has specialisms in languages and science. Saturday 16th September 2023. Term Dates. A superb, 4 court, indoor training facility available to hire in Slough - perfect for 5-a-side Football, Basketball, Handball, Badminton and many more sports and activities, as well as Birthday parties and events. The reasons that I would like CHILD’S NAME to attend GRAMMAR SCHOOL NAME are as follows: CHILD’S NAME did not pass the 11+ entrance test for GRAMMAR SCHOOL NAME. Type of school — Mixed grammar school. St Bernard's Catholic Grammar School is a member of the Slough Consortium, along with three other grammar schools in the Slough area. If your child is absent please phone the direct line of Mrs Maggie Smaljaj on 01753 967554 giving your child's name, tutor group and the reason for the absence. The school specialises in Technology, Maths, Science and Computing. Top 10 schools in Slough. Slough 003. The schools use a common 11+ entrance examination and administer it according to common procedures. If your mind is set for a grammar school place for your child, but they do not pass the 11+ you could consider the late transfer test. Queen Elizabeth’s School topped the A-Level league tables for five years in a row and it is consistently. Both the papers have questions that assess these skills in the test. [email protected] miles. It caters for. Rome2Rio displays up to date. The school has planned to admit a total of 180 pupils, at the age of 11. Langley Grammar School, Slough. Langley Grammar School is a selective co-educational academy school located in Langley, Sough. Train operators. HPFA · 01/08/2016 07:03. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. In addition Upton Court Grammar is a Leading Edge School and an accredited British Council International School with links in China, Pakistan, India, France, Spain, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Cyprus,. For any other inquiries, please contact the office at: [email protected]. The association for former alumni and staff of Slough Secondary School (est. Tickets cost £2 and the journey takes 24 min. The school has approximately 1,013 and 261 of them are in the sixth form. Bus operators. Boys and girls are eligible to be considered for admissions to St Bernard's Catholic Grammar School in Year 7 if they meet the required standard in the Slough Consortium 11+ examination. Slides may have a magnification function and a link to a larger zoomable photo page with further information. Please click on a photo to view a slideshow. The student body is divided into four differentRe: Any point trying for a grammar school if maths is averag. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey. Tickets cost £2 and the journey takes 44 min. Carousel Buses. 35pm - 6:35pm: Upton Court Grammar School, Slough: Why Choose Teachitright? Qualified Teachers: Small Group Sizes: Exam Based Specific Material: 95% of Parents Recommend:Top 5 best performing schools in Slough and their catchment areas in Slough ranked by School Guide in 2022. Upton Court Grammar . Places available in year 7 — 165. Average applicants per place — 5 or more. . Office Tel: 01753 520950. The Slough Consortium of Grammar. As others have said, this is a grammar school area. Applications open on Monday 21st November 2023. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. St ernard’s atholic Grammar School is part of the Slough onsortium of Grammar Schools and operates the CEM 11+ entrance examination to assess eligibility of students through ability. In addition Slough Grammar is a Leading Edge School and an accredited British Council International School with links in China, Pakistan, India, France, Spain, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Cyprus, Sweden and. Baylis Court School. Find all the transport options for your trip from Slough Grammar School to Kingston University right here. Rome2Rio makes travelling from Slough Grammar School to Hounslow Bus Station easy. Slough 11 plus. Tel: 01753 522 892. PDF – Published 24 January 2023. Website. The Slough Consortium 11 plus test is an exam used by state-funded grammar schools in the Slough area of Berkshire. It is also a Leading Edge School, an ICT-Focus School, a Training School, an International School under the International Baccalaureate Organization. Old PalsOld Pals NewsSLOUGH GRAMMAR SCHOOL IN THE 1960s OPAon16th May 2020 SLOUGH GRAMMAR SCHOOL IN THE 1960s – by D. Slough Grammar School is an 11-18 mixed selective school which has traditionally served the towns of Slough and Windsor. Windsor schools don't look too bad in terms of results. Aylesbury High School. The Old Paludians Association. The headteacher is Mrs Joanne Rockall. An Old Paludian is a former pupil of one of the following schools in Slough, United Kingdom, which share a common ancestry: Slough Secondary School (1912–1936) Slough Grammar School for Boys (1936–1982) Slough High School for Girls (1936–1982) Upton Grammar School (1982–1993) Slough Grammar School (1993-2013) Upton Court. Plea. The school, previously known as Slough Grammar School, changed its name to mark the exciting transition into its second century. The school has around 900 pupils aged 11 to 18. This includes an average layover time of around 6 min. It is a specialist language college serving a multi-ethnic community providing language support for a large number of languages and a hub for 6 or 7 feeder primary schools. This is a list of grammar schools and partially selective schools in the UK with entry at 11+. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Additionally, each of these schools offers places to candidates for late entry (12 Plus, 13 Plus and 14 Plus). For 11 Plus and admissions information about each specific school, please visit the pages below. The Slough Consortium of Grammar Schools consists of Herschel Grammar School, Langley Grammar School, St Bernard’s Catholic Grammar School and Upton Court Grammar School. This includes an average layover time of around 18 min. The Old Paludians Association, established in 1915, is the official alumni association for Upton Court Grammar and direct predecessor. Slough Grammar School; Motto: Ad Astra "To the stars" Established: January 1912: Type: Grammar foundation school: Religion: Secular:Discover short videos related to slough grammar school on TikTok. If you wish to be considered for a place at one of Slough's grammar schools, your child must sit the 11+. St Bernards Catholic Grammar School. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. You can search the grammar schools list by school (alphabetically) or by area (alphabetically). Registration. The tests have a strong academic focus on the core subjects and is used by many of the top grammar schools. Slough Grammar School. PIONEER EDUCATIONAL TRUST. Upton Court Grammar School is a fully selective academy school in Lascelles Road, Slough, Berkshire. Rome2Rio displays up to date. 1912) and successor schools; Slough Grammar School for Boys, Slough High School for Girls, Upton Grammar School, Slough Grammar School and Upton Court Grammar School. A child sits just one 11+ examination, irrespective of how many of the Slough Consortium grammar schools parents are applying to. Welcome. TIME AM. Test Dates. SL3 3FP. Academy conversion letter. In 1936 the school split, with Slough Grammar School being founded the same year and Slough High School being built in 1939. Anyone in Slough and the surrounding area can apply for adimission into the school. 828 students scored above 111. This includes an average layover time of around 4 min. 2023 Reading 11 Plus Practice and Slough 11 Plus Practice . London grammar schools with an 11 Plus entry are split into seven distinct areas. John Hampden Grammar School. Show map. DfE Code: 871/5408. sch. You will find information on the relevant Grammar School and the town it is in from the links below. Rome2Rio makes travelling from Amersham (Station) to Slough Grammar School easy. St Joseph's Catholic High School. It may have been archived automatically or it may be configured to go onto the website on a future date. PDF – Published 16 February 2012. Alternatively, you can take a train from Slough Grammar School to Heathrow Central bus Station via Slough and Hayes And Harlington Station in around 45 min. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Slough Grammar School to Amersham via Heathrow Central Bus Station, Harrow Bus Station, and Harrow-on-the-Hill in around 2h. Find all the transport options for your trip from Slough Grammar School to London Heathrow Airport T5 Train Station right. For example, they may be predecessor or successor establishments. Curriculum and development visit. About. Upton Court Grammar School. Welcome to Upton Court Grammar School The school, previously known as Slough Grammar School, changed its name to mark the exciting transition into its second. For example: ‘For the attention of the Head of Year 7’. It is thought that numbering & names are correct up to No. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. She had been to a few other 11+ tests as well. The association for former alumni and staff of Slough Secondary School (est. Langley Grammar School. Grammar School Co-Educational - Slough Description: St Bernard's Catholic Grammar School (formerly St Bernard's Convent School) is an academically selective Roman Catholic grammar school on Langley Road, Slough, Langley, Berkshire. Herschel Grammar School, Langley Grammar School, St Bernard's Catholic Grammar School and Upton Court Grammar School are all located in the Slough area and belong to the Slough Grammar School Consortium. If you are applying to multiple schools in this category, your child only needs to. Slough and Eton Church of England Business and Enterprise College. Item Unavailable. Beaconsfield is the Bucks town convenient for Slough.